Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Just So You Know....

Hi! So, this is totally awesome and you are going to LOVE it. Me and my friend are in the works of writing the FUNNIEST script in the history of mankind. This is no exageration. You see, my friend and I are two of the most hilarious people you will ever encounter. How did this come to pass? WEll, it all happened just the other day...

I was making a joke, like I do often, and the joke turned into more of a "scene" if you will. After five minutes of non stop, can't breath laughing, we thought "Hey, we should write stuff like this down. Apply it to some awesome characters and BOOM! It will be the next big thing! " The script writing is starting soon, and I spoke to a guy wiht camera stuff and he was all "I am really busy now...but we will see!" So, there is hope. If not, we will use a good ol' fashioned video camera and send our idea out. It willbe amazing. You are going to love it. That is a promise.



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