From One Illegal Immigrant to Another
IN light of the recent movement created by the Illegal Aliens that infiltrate the US Boarder everyday, I feel the need to comment. Why? Well, as it stands now I am also an Illegal Alien of different sorts. I am an American in Canada waiting for my papers to go thru. By all definitions, I am illegal till that happens. Unlike those protesting in the streets of my home country, I am obeying the laws by 1) not working, 2) not demanding healthcare and 3) not participating in illegal acts of , oh I don't know...say drug trafficing? The Mexicans are sure an more arrogant race than we gave them credit for. What is the purpose of marching on the street protesting what is ILLEGAL? It is like a murder protesting jail time. Ridiculous. Also, I gurantee if a crew of Americans were to take this action in Mexico City, the Federales would waste no time in gasing us, beating us and jailing us. The fact that we have let in these illegals and alowed them to run around for so long is a disgrace. You eiether obey the rules of the country, attempt to get citezenship(as I am) or...GO HOME! If the US is so bad and not giving you illegal rights, hell go back to Mexico! The added bonus? We as a ENGLISH speaking country will now be able to order our fast food only once and not have to repeat it. Oh the glory.
Viva Los Estados Unidos! Heh.
Viva Los Estados Unidos! Heh.
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