A Dream House for Alex...
This is something that has always bothered me and I think it will haunt me until I can no longer bear to think of it and then I will die. So, here it is...I never had a play house OR a power wheel. By the time I encountered a real Barbie power wheel, which is the one I wanted, I was too old and big to drive it. I wanted to sit in it, just sit there and take in the moment. BUt no, that little girls mom was all "Ah! You will break it!" Whatever. Then, I always wanted a playhouse...with a couch and an upstairs and EVERYTHING. Then in 8th grade, I met Jessica and she had one. I was so excited even though I was what society would consider to be too old to play in a play house. But I went in anyways. When I got inside there was a freaking life size dummy in the house. It scared the crap out of me and I had nightmares. So, I am over the whole "never had a play house" thing, but I will get my kids every power wheel made. The Hummer, the Porsche, the Barbie Vett, the...
What did your parents deprive you of?
What did your parents deprive you of?
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