The Da Vinci Code Should be Called The Stupid Ass Code
Look at a painting. Analyze it to the meaning you want to convey. Write a book. BAM. You have a best selling book of lies and distortion. Which, in my opinion, is retarded. Yes, I know the argument "But it is fiction!" Ok, let me put this situation out there...lets say some kid in your creative writing class decides to write a story about your mom(saying you like your mom...if not select a formidable replacement that you do in fact like). This is the story:
The Kid Who Sits Next to Me? Yea, His Mom is a Whore.
She was in the picture, with another man. He was wearing an Ozzy Osbourne tee...she was wearing a Polo shirt of the same color. They are having an affair! See the shape of the sunlight in the window? Looks like a penis! She is...WAS really a man! See the way that the mans hand is on his knee, in a fist? He killed her husband. Punched him out.
The End
Uhm, this is fiction. Yes, but guess what? There are some real idiots out there who believe whatever they see in print (yes, I am talking to you lady in the line at the super market feeling sorry for the lady who gave birth to a demon child) and if these people believe the lies about your mom, guess what? There goes your moms rep. Hello Legal birds out there...can we say SLANDER? Why yes we can. No matter how hard you toot the "fiction" horn...that does not matter. Cause this fiction that Dan Brown is trying to push on people...offends legions of people. Smart people. Opus Dei, Catholics, Christians, Historians and more importantly Albino's. Who cares if it is fiction? Now mindless people across the world are making there way to Louvre to see where Mary M is buried. And in the process they are bashing everything and anything Christian related that they can think of. Also, they have lost there own intelligence, which arguably, they never had.
The Da Vinci Code is a bad book and even worse movie. I will stick to Wicked, Harry Potter and the good ol Bible.
That is right. I read the Bible AND Harry Potter. That friends is a whole other blog!
The Kid Who Sits Next to Me? Yea, His Mom is a Whore.
She was in the picture, with another man. He was wearing an Ozzy Osbourne tee...she was wearing a Polo shirt of the same color. They are having an affair! See the shape of the sunlight in the window? Looks like a penis! She is...WAS really a man! See the way that the mans hand is on his knee, in a fist? He killed her husband. Punched him out.
The End
Uhm, this is fiction. Yes, but guess what? There are some real idiots out there who believe whatever they see in print (yes, I am talking to you lady in the line at the super market feeling sorry for the lady who gave birth to a demon child) and if these people believe the lies about your mom, guess what? There goes your moms rep. Hello Legal birds out there...can we say SLANDER? Why yes we can. No matter how hard you toot the "fiction" horn...that does not matter. Cause this fiction that Dan Brown is trying to push on people...offends legions of people. Smart people. Opus Dei, Catholics, Christians, Historians and more importantly Albino's. Who cares if it is fiction? Now mindless people across the world are making there way to Louvre to see where Mary M is buried. And in the process they are bashing everything and anything Christian related that they can think of. Also, they have lost there own intelligence, which arguably, they never had.
The Da Vinci Code is a bad book and even worse movie. I will stick to Wicked, Harry Potter and the good ol Bible.
That is right. I read the Bible AND Harry Potter. That friends is a whole other blog!